vineri, 20 martie 2009

New scam websites tester


marți, 4 noiembrie 2008

bani citind e-mailuri

acum va voi prezenta un site unde se pot castiga 100$ pe luna muncind cam 10 minute pe zi. este vorba de dollarsmaker.netpentru a va inscrie urmati linkul de mai sus. ce aveti de facut: dupa ce va-ti inscris veti primi e-mailuri care vor contine cate un link catre site-urile pe care trebuie sa le vizitati. o vizita pe un site dureaza intre 30 si 90 de secunde pentru ca banii sa va intre in cont. banii ii puteti scoate dupa ce ati facut minim 5$. platile se fac prin intermediul bancilor virtuale e-gold , paypal si moneybookersodata intrati pe site veti mai descoperi si alte optiuni de a face bani...succes


acest serviciu te plateste cand navighezi pe net. dupa ce va inscrieti vi se va pune la dispozitie o bara de meniu care in timpul navigarii pe internet va afisa mici reclame in functie de site-urile pe care va aflati. bara de meniu mai contine si un buton de cautare de la . veti castiga bani utilizand bara de navigare minim 5 ore pe luna. bani veti mai primi si prin sistemul de recomandare(referral) convingand alte persoane sa foloseasca bara de navigare. pentru asta veti primi un mail cu un link care va contine codul dumneavoastra de membru, cei care se vor inscrie de pe acest link vor face parte din reteaua dumneavoastra si veti primi un comision din castigurile lor. deveniti membru aici agloco

prizee este un site de joculete in flash unde puteti castiga bani si cadouri jucandu-va. ei fac banii din reclamele afisate pe site la fiecare partida pe care o jucati si o parte din bani vor intra si in contul vostru. mai puteti face bani recomandand site-ul prietenilor sau colegilor vostri. inscrierea este gratuita pe este un site unde castigati bani dand click pe reclame. sumele nu sunt imense, cam un cent doi pe reclama, avantajul este ca nu va ia mai mult de 20 de minute pe zi pentru pentru a va face treaba. pentru a va inscrie intrati pe unde vi se va cere o adresa de e-mail si un nume de utilizator, veti primi un e-mail in care vi se va cere sa urmati un link pentru a va activa contul. acum sunteti gata sa faceti primii bani. intrati in cont si mergeti la earning area unde veti descoperi mai multe optiuni de a castiga bani. cele mai importante sunt paid to click links - faceti un cent la ficare click, paid to read ads - 2 centi pe reclama, paid to signup - 10 centi pentru fiecare site pe care va inregistrati, aici va-s recomanda sa aveti o adresa de e-mail pe care sa o folositi nu mai pentru asa ceva, foarte important trebuie sa fie aceasi adresa cu care va-ti inregistrat si pe

este primul site romanesc unde puteti castiga bani pe net dand click pe bannere si link-uri. sistemul de castig este pe baza de puncte, la 500 de puncte castigati 1 euro, suma minima de plata este 10 euro. plata se face direct in cont bancar sau daca aveti cont la paypal . dupa ce ati intrat pe site consultati rubrica intrebari frecvente pentru mai multe detalii. va pute-ti inscrie aici

Cum sa faci bani pe net

Creeaza un blog gratuit si castiga bani pe net din publicitate. Nu ai nevoie de cunostinte avansate in HTML, defapt nu aveti nevoie de nici un fel de experienta in limbaje de programare. In dreapta paginii sus de tot aveti optiunea creeaza blog, intrati si alegeti-va un user name si o parola, confirmarea va va fi trimisa prin e-mail aproape instant. Acum apucati-va de treaba. Totul este usor de folosit, va alegeti sablonul(template-ul) dorit din cateva zeci de modele, un nume (care ar trebui sa fie cat mai apropiat de subiectul blogului) un URL( adresa blogului) si apoi incepeti sa scrieti. Puteti incarca foarte usor poze sau videoclipuri ( 90% din filmuletele de pe youtube sunt la liber). Urmatorul pas ar fi promovarea blogului, inscrieti-l in cat mai multe directoare, aici aveti o lista cu directoarele romanesti gratuite, asta va va ridica blogul in motoarele de cautare.Pentru a castiga bani pe net din publicitate pe blogul tau ai nevoie de trafic. Asta inseamna sa ai subiecte cat mai interesante, sa-ti actualizezi blogul cat mai des si sa-l promovezi cat mai bine. Serviciul de publicitate se numeste Google AdSense si ti se va propune de fiecare data cand postezi un articol(pentru orice eventualitate va faceti cont aici). Va faceti cont, alegeti tipul de reclame pe care-l doriti si introduceti codul in paginile blogului(aveti exemple chiar pe acest blog). Veti castiga bani de fiecare data cand un vizitator va da click pe una sau mai multe din reclamele afisate. Plata se face lunar prin cec sau western union.

How To Get your Google Adsense Account Turned Back On.

How To Get your Google Adsense Account Turned Back On.
So, let me guess... you received a little email from the Google Adsense Team about fradulent clicks... and bla bla bal.. to make a long story short they banned your account. Right? oh and to make matters worse i'm sure they said... uh also we are going to k eep all of the money you have made because we are going to... uh... give it back to uh... uh... give it back to the..... people who paid for those clicks.. yeah.. that's what we are going to do!
Of course the letter was a bit more professional than that.. in fact it was so professional that every thing I have ever read on this subject pointed to one thing... EVERY ONE gets that letter! well not Every one. but its the same letter! then you can appeal your account. and you get another letter... and by the way.. everyone gets the same thing once you appeal. I'm sure it's just some person some place copying and pasting pre written text into an email after they.. psudo read what you had to say. Well, here's the deal. You are here to figure out HOW to get your Adsense Account back on.. reinstated... reactivated.. whatever you want to call it.. you just want to start getting money again. Right? of course. Well here is how it's done! We all know how to make money with Google Adsense, but the question is.. what happens when you get hit with the good ol' fraudlent clicks deal and your ads get turned off? First you Appeal.
Step 1. Appeal
Here's the deal. YOU ARE GUILTY! there is no question about it. I know what you are thinking.. " well not really i'm not guilty... or I'm not THAT guilty" that's not how the computer see's it... it's kinda how God views sin... every one wants to say.. well i'm not THAT bad... well in God's Standard.. you are GUILTY... and Google's Standard..... YOU ARE GUILTY!!!! they computer says so... plain and simple..... so you have to write something.. to make the PEOPLE running those computers believe otherwise..
What to put in your appeal to Google:
So... you want to appeal your little problem and now want to know what to put. Here is your answer. BE HONEST! This is what happened to me.
I was enjoying my October day until I opened my email and found a nice letter from google ... banning my Adsense account! I was pissed I had saved about 350 dollars in there and now.. it's gone! So I appealed... the first thing i wrote.. was just a bunch of WHAT HAPPENED.. PLEASE TELL ME PLEASE TELL ME... I DIDN"T CLICK ON MY ADS!!! Which is true. I didn't click on my ads nor did I know HOW it happend.. I was just writing in a Panic. DON'T DO THIS!!! it's just a waste of time. Take some time and think. Where could these click come from. Then explain.
In my case. I had told my Dad all about google and how the ads were great and I get all this money when people click the ads.... bla bla So my dad decided to "Help me out" by clicking on my ads for me. Of course I noticed a spike of money every once in a while. But I just chalked it up to a good day!
Like God, Google will know when you are lying.... unless it's a really good lie.. then of course only God will know. I was going to tell google that it was a competitor clicking on my ads to get even with me or to hinder my money intake. But I had decided to do the RIGHT THING and just tell the truth. So I told them.. and BAM I was back on. Just do a search and you will see... tell the truth to them.. they will understand.
Take your time.. and cool down.. don't spout off at the fingers to Google about how EVIL they are for taking away your lunch money every day. Remember you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar... or get.. more beez with honey than with..... uh..poop.... er. something like that. I don' t know... just BE NICE.
Appeal Again... and Again... Google will tell you they don't have to read your emails anymore.. but appeal again.. and again.. use words like.. Sorry... and Will you forgive me. Basically stuff you would say to your wife after forgetting her birthday...
The one Secret to getting your Adsense Account Turned Back On is This: BE HONEST if you are honest the first time around and explain everything and how it won't happen again. You WILL get your account turned back on.

luni, 27 octombrie 2008

Why You Shouldn’t Cheat AdSense

1. You can’t cheat Google
Every once in while, someone will comes out with ingenious idea of how to get more money from AdSense in less than honorable ways. He will announce to the whole world, posting in every forum and tell people how smart he is. His idea is always untraceable by Google, it is always original, and it always gives easy money.
What he doesn’t know is, few months after that, he will get caught by Google, always. And his AdSense account will be disabled. Always. And he is banned from ever applying for AdSense account again. Always.
Google is a giant, with 2005 revenue of almost US$ 10 billions, and profits of more than US$ 1 billion. A large chunk of this comes from Adwords / AdSense advertisements.
More click fraud means less trust, less advertisers and less money, to the extent that if unsolved it will bring collapse to pay-per-click advertisement business. Now. Do you think Google will let you jeopardize their billion dollar business model?
They have money and ability to bring together many of the the smartest and brightest engineers and scientists on earth, has been doing that and will continue to do so. How smart do you think you are that you can outsmart collaborative effort of the brightest brains?
You might be able to pull through for two or three months, but eventually the fraud detection algorithm will catch up and you are caught. And you get banned from Google AdSense, among other things.
2. Cheating = stealing
No matter how you want to justify, face it, cheating is stealing. You are not only stealing from Google, but also from Adwords publishers. Majority of these are are not big companies, but small webmasters depending on Internet to make a living.
Moreover, even if your morality (or lack thereof) permits stealing from your own fellow, bear in mind that stealing is illegal. Regardless of whether it is done offline or online, a crime is a crime. You might get jailed for that.
In fact, Google has started to bring AdSense fraudsters to court a few months ago. Some were jailed, and some others were fined heavily.
3. It is just too easy to earn more, legally
Let’s say you managed to cheat AdSense undetected. You don’t use clickbot or proxy or click-ring or paid clickers. You managed to somehow get the clicks from distributed IP. You don’t use pop-ups, spyware, adware. You are careful that your CTR does not exceed 10%. Still, your earning is limited. There is a cap you can’t cross, else you will invite unwanted attention to your account.
With so much effort to cover your traces, actually you will get better result if you concentrate your effort to improve the website.
Write more contents, submit articles, improve on your search engine optimisation, improve adsense placement, and you can get the same earning or even more. Sure it will take some time, but this is legitimate.

Step-By-Step How Anyone Can Make Money With Adsense

There are heaps of ebooks and membership sites on the online teaching you how to make money with Adsense websites. With so much information, you’ll be overloaded. Well I’ve read them, joined them and know what works and what does not. Here’s my advice.
Adsense is a Google advertising tool that is placed on your website. The ads that are shown on the website are determined by your content - the text on your website.
If you have pages and pages of articles on a certain topic, such as “Internet Marketing” then the ads shown will be all be related to that topic.
Your webpages should contain keyword related to internet marketing such as “email marketing”, “Adsense”, “ebooks”, “web traffic”, “affiliate programs” etc…
Therefore the visitor on your website will likely click on the ads since they have an interest in them. Otherwise they wouldn’t be reading your article in the first place.
So the most important thing you need for a good website that generates automatic income using Adsense is “Content”. Where do you get this content? There are three ways:
- Write the content yourself - Pay someone to write the content (about $5 per article, the cheapest rate currently) - Buy Public Label Resale (PLR) articles and alter the content
The easiest way is the last option - Buy PLR articles and change the words yourself.
With PLR articles you can do whatever you want with the article and even add your name to it so that you’re the author. There are many places on the internet where you can buy these articles. They are normally sold in a batch of 10 or more that are related to a certain topic.
You can even purchase websites with PLR articles in them and have an Adsense website online right away. Again there are many places to buy these Adsense websites on particular niches.
Now the following advice is worth gold so please read carefully.
You can’t just buy ready made websites with PLR articles and put in on the web. You’ll have so many competitors with the exact same site and the search engines will ban you for having duplicate content. You’ll have no search engine traffic and you can forget about people clicking on your website.
What you have to do is alter the PLR articles. My recommendation is to alter them by 50% to be on the safe side. I alter all my PLR articles 50% before placing them on my website. This makes them original and therefore more valuable. Search engines will index all of your pages so your website will be listed under several keywords depending on the content.
The next thing you need is a good design for your website that will contain all your own articles with other people’s articles mixed. For the website, you can either design it yourself or buy a template.
A word of warning. Make sure the design makes the Adsense ads stand out on your website and also blend in with the background. For example, make the ads borderless and the colour to be the same as your website. This way, it seems that the ads are really part of your website. People tend to dislike clicking on ads.
These are the 2 most important things for an Adsense website. However, there are other additional things you need such as:
- XML maps which Google loves to search and index - A script to rotate your articles so that it seems that your website has new content updated regularly - Link exchanges with other websites so that you get traffic from them and also get ranked higher by search engines - Search Engine Optimize your website so that it ranks high in the search engines
The final piece of the puzzle for a successful website is to drive traffic to it. You can do this also by purchasing PLR articles and modifying the words so that you can add your name to it. After that submit it to article directories and with your resource box at the bottom, people will read it and visit your website.
PLR articles are very important. You need it for the content of your website and to drive traffic to your website.
That’s all you need to create a website you can put on the internet that makes you money on auto-pilot. It will sound overwhelming for beginners but there are easier ways.
For information on recommended resources and websites on helping create Adsense sites easily, send a blank email to my autoresponder
Additionally, with Adsense websites you need lots of them to make a respectable income. If you have a website making $2 a day then in a month you’ll be earning $60. However, if you have 50 websites and they are all making $2 a day, then you’ll have a monthly income of $3000. Now tell me if that’s attractive enough for you to start.


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